Red Flags Bermuda
Growth & Development
Sensory integration refers to the ability to receive input through all of the senses - taste, smell, auditory, visual, touch, movement and body position, and the ability to process this sensory information into automatic and appropriate responses to the sensation.
► Responds negatively to unexpected or loud noises
► Is distracted or has trouble functioning if there is a lot of background noise
► Enjoys strange noises/seeks to make noise for noise sake
► Seems to be “in his own world”
► Children over 3 - trouble staying between the lines when colouring
► Avoids eye contact
► Squinting, or looking out of the corner of the eye
► Staring at bright, flashing objects
► Avoids certain tastes/smells that are typically part of a child’s diet
► Chews/licks non-food objects
► Gags easily
► Picky eater, especially regarding textures
Movement and Body Position
► Continually seeks out all kinds of movement activities (being whirled by adult, playground equipment, moving toys, spinning, rocking)
► Becomes anxious or distressed when feet leave ground
► Poor endurance - tires easily; seems to have weak muscles
► Avoids climbing, jumping, uneven ground or roughhousing
► Moves stiffly or walks on toes; clumsy or awkward, falls frequently
► Does not enjoy a variety of playground equipment
► Enjoys exaggerated positions for long periods (e.g., lies head-upside-down off sofa)
► Becomes upset during grooming (hair cutting, face washing, fingernail cutting)
► Has difficulty standing in line or close to other people; or stands too close, always touching others
► Is sensitive to certain fabrics
► Fails to notice when face or hands are messy or wet
► Cannot tolerate hair washing, hair cutting, nail clipping, teeth brushing
► Craves lots of touch: heavy pressure, long sleeved clothing, hats and certain textures
Activity Level
► Always on the go; difficulty paying attention
► Very inactive, under-responsive
► Needs more protection from life than other children
► Has difficulty with changes in routines
► Is stubborn or uncooperative; gets frustrated easily
► Has difficulty making friends
► Has difficulty understanding body language or facial expressions
► Does not feel positive about own accomplishments
In addition, if a child’s responses are exaggerated, irrational, extreme, and/or oppositional and do not seem typical for the child’s age, consider this a red flag