Red Flags Bermuda
Growth & Development
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are actions and abilities involving the movement of our large muscles. These include movements of our arms, legs, feet or entire body.
Examples include crawling, sitting, standing, walking, running, keeping balance, jumping, climbing and changing positions.
Healthy Child Development
There are several stages of healthy gross motor skill development that are marked by key abilities.
By 3 months
Holds head up when held to an adult’s shoulder
Lifts head up when on tummy
By 4 months
Keeps head in line with the middle of their body and brings hands to chest when lying on back
Lifts head and chest and supports self on forearms when placed on tummy
Holds head steady when supported in sitting position
By 6 months
Rolls from back to side
Pushes up on hands when on tummy
Sits with support
By 9 months
Sits on floor without support
Moves self forward on tummy or rolls continuously to get an object
Stands with support
By 12 months
Gets up to a sitting position from lying down without help
Pulls to stand at furniture
Walks holding onto other peoples hands or furniture
By 18 months
Walks alone
Crawls up stairs
Squats to pick up a toy and stands back up without falling
By 2 years
Walks backwards or sideways pulling a toy
Kicks a ball
Able to throw and attempt to catch ball without losing balance
By 3 years
Stands on one foot briefly
Climbs stairs using a handrail or with minimal support
Throws a ball forward at least one meter (three feet)
By 4 years
Stands on one foot for one to three seconds without support
Goes up stairs using alternating feet
Runs, stops, and starts without falling
Catches a large ball with outstretched arms
By 5 years
Hops on one foot several times
Throws and catches a ball successfully most of the time
Plays on playground equipment without difficulty
... If a child is missing one or more of these expected age outcomes, consider this a red flag
If a child is experiencing any of the following, consider this a red flag:
► By 3 months
► Little or no movement in legs; not kicking motion when lying on back
► Unable to lift head when lying on tummy
By 6 months
► Unable to sit using hands for support
► Difficulty controlling head movements
By 9 months
► Unable to sit independently
► Uses only one side of the body to move
► Legs crossed or stiff
► Legs unable to bear weight
By 12 months
► Stiff arms or legs
► Not yet pulling to stand
► Only able to sit with weight to one side
By 18 months
► Not able to walk or stand independently
By 24 months
► Not walking up or down stairs even with support
► Falls easily