Red Flags Bermuda
Growth & Development
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are actions and abilities involving the small muscles in the hands and fingers.
Examples of fine motor activities include picking up objects, drawing/writing, dressing, and using hands to eat and play. These skills also involve hand-eye coordination.
Healthy Child Development
There are several stages of healthy fine motor skills development that are marked by key abilities.
By 4 months
Sucks well on a nipple (if breastfeeding)
Brings hands or toy to mouth
Turns head side to side to follow a toy or an adult face
Brings hands to midline while lying on back
By 6 months
Reaches for a toy when lying on back
Uses hands to reach, grasp, bang and splash
By 9 months
Picks up small items using thumb and first finger
Passes an object from one hand to the other
Releases objects voluntarily
Bangs objects on table or floor
By 12 months
Holds, bites and chews foods (e.g., crackers)
Takes things out of a container
Points with index finger
Plays games like peek-a-boo
Holds a cup to drink using two hands
Picks up and eats finger foods
By 18 months
Helps with dressing by putting out arms and legs
Stacks three or more blocks
Picks up and eats finger foods
By 2 years
Puts items into a small container
Takes off own shoes, socks or hat
Eats with a spoon with little spilling
Scribbles with crayons or marks paper
By 3 years
Turns the pages of a book
Dresses or undresses with help
Turns lid off a jar or turns knobs
Holds a writing utensil between thumbs and fingers
Copies a circle already drawn
By 4 years
Holds a writing utensil correctly
Undoes buttons or zippers
Cuts with scissors
Dresses and undresses with minimal help
By 5 years
Uses scissors to cut along a thick line drawn on paper
Dresses and undresses with little help
... If a child is missing one or more of these expected age outcomes, consider this a red flag
if a child is experiencing any of the following, consider this a red flag:
► Inability to hold or grasp an adult finger or a toy/object for a short period of time
All children
► Hands are fisted most of the time
► Inability to play appropriately with a variety
of age-appropriate toys; avoids crafts and
► Consistently ignores or has difficulty using one side of body; uses one hand/arm