Red Flags Bermuda
Growth & Development
Permanent hearing loss affects approximately one to three children out of 1000. The hearing loss may affect one ear or both and may be of any degree from a mild hearing loss to complete deafness. It can be difficult to identify a child with hearing loss, particularly when the loss is relatively mild since the child may seem to respond to many sounds. Many children may also experience temporary hearing losses, particularly if they have a history of issues with congestion or ear infections. Any degree of hearing loss may have an impact on a child’s ability to learn speech and language or to hear clearly in a noisy situation but this is especially true as the severity of the hearing loss increases.
Healthy Child Development
There are several stages of healthy hearing development that are marked by key abilities.
0-3 months
Makes cooing sounds
Increases or decreases sucking behaviour in response to sound
Startles, blinks, cries, quiets or changes breathing rate in response to a sound
Startles in response to sudden, loud noises
Stirs or awakens when sleeping quietly and someone talks or there is a sudden noise
Moves head, eyes, arms and legs in response to a noise or voice
Smiles and laughs in response to parent/caregiver’s smiles and laughs
Makes different cries for different needs–such as hungry, tired
Recognizes familiar voices and quiets when spoken to
4-6 months
Responds to changes in the tone of parent/caregiver voice
Turns head toward voices and interesting sounds
Enjoys musical toys or toys that make noise
Begins to imitate coughs and other sounds as well as make speech-like sounds e.g., ah, eh, buh, ma
Babbles for attention and uses vocal play
6-9 months
Responds to their name
Responds to the telephone ringing or a knock at the door
Responds to the word “no”
Gets what they want through sounds and gestures, such as reaching to be picked up
Babbles and repeats sounds in a series e.g. babababa, duhduhduh
9-12 months
Localizes correctly to sound by turning head toward the sound
Follows simple one-step directions, for example “sit down”
Looks across the room to something you point to
Recognizes words for common items like “mom”, “cup”, “shoe”, “book” or “juice”
Uses three or more words
Uses gestures to communicate, for example waves “bye bye”, shakes head “no”
Pays attention when spoken to
Gets parent/caregiver’s attention using sounds, gestures and pointing while looking at their eyes
“Performs” for attention and praise
Combines lots of sounds as though talking — abada baduh abee
Shows interest in simple picture books
12 months -18 months
Sometimes startles to sudden loud noises
Understands the concepts of “in and out”, “off and on”
Points to several body parts when asked
Uses at least 20 words
Starts to put words together
Responds with words or gestures to simple questions — “Where’s teddy?”, “What’s that?”
Looks at your face when talking to you
Makes at least four different consonant sounds — b, n, d, g, w, h
Enjoys being read to and looking at simple books with you
18 months -2 years
Follows two-step directions, for example “Go find your teddy bear and show it to Grandma”
Uses 100 or more words
Understands more words than they can say
Uses at least two pronouns, e.g. “you”, “me”, “mine”
Uses own name
Consistently combines two or more words in short phrases - “daddy hat”, “truck go down”
Asks simple questions, for example “What’s that?”
Enjoys being with other children
Begins to offer toys to peers and imitates other children’s actions and words
People can understand their words 50 to 60 per cent of the time
Takes turns in a conversation
Forms words and sounds easily and effortlessly
“Reads” to stuffed animals or toys
2-3 years
Is alert to environmental sounds
Responds to someone talking out-of-view (particularly when there are no distractions)
Responds to voices on the telephone
Understands the concepts of size (big/little) and quantity (a little, a lot, more)
Uses some adult grammar — “two cookies”, “bird flying”, “I jumped”
Uses more than 350 words
Uses action words, for example “run”, “spill”, “fall”
Uses sentences of three or more words most of the time
Answers simple questions, for example “Where is the car?”
Participates in short conversations
Begins taking short turns with other children, using both toys and words
Puts sounds at the start of most words
Produces words with two or more syllables or beats, for example “ba-na-na”, “com-pu-ter”, “a-pple”
Listens to and enjoys hearing stories for longer periods of time
Remembers and understands familiar stories
3-4 years
Tells a short story or talks about daily activities
Talk in sentences with adult-like grammar
Generally speaks clearly so people understand
Hears you when you call from another room
Listens to television at the same volume as others
Answers a variety of questions
Understands words for some colours, like red, blue and green
Understands words for some shapes, like circle and square
Understands words for family, like brother, grandmother and aunt
4-5 years
Pronounces most speech sounds correctly
Participates in and understand conversations even in the presence of background noise
Recognizes familiar signs, for example stop sign
Makes up rhymes
Hears and understands most of what is said at home and school
Listens to and retells a story and asks and answers questions about a story
Understands words for order like first, next and last
Understands words for time like yesterday, today and tomorrow
Follows longer directions like “Put your pajamas on, brush your teeth and then pick out a book”
Follows classroom directions like “Draw a circle on your paper around something you eat”
... If a child is missing one or more of these expected age outcomes, consider this a red flag
If a child is experiencing any of the following, consider this a red flag:
► Early babbling stops
► Frequently gets colds and ear infections
► Frequently pulls at ears
► Does not understand people unless facing them
► Intently watches the face of the person speaking
► Speaks loudly or turns up the volume of the television or radio
► Does not respond when called
► Uses “what?” or “huh?” frequently
► Has difficulty understanding speech in group activities