Red Flags Bermuda

Growth & Development
... if a child is experiencing any of the following, consider this a red flag:
0-8 months
► Failure to thrive with no medical reason
► Parent/guardian and child do not engage in smiling and vocalization with each other
► Parent/guardian ignores, punishes or misreads child’s signals of distress
► Parent/guardian pulls away from infant or holds infant away from body with stiff arms
► Parent/guardian is overly intrusive when child is not wanting contact
► Child is not comforted by physical contact with parent
8-18 months
► Parent/guardian and child do not engage in playful, intimate interactions with each other
► Parent/guardian ignores or misreads child’s cues for contact when distressed
► Child does not seek proximity to parent when distressed
► Child shows little wariness towards a new room or stranger
► Child ignores, avoids or is hostile with parent after separation
► Child does not move away from parent to explore, while using parent as a secure base
► Parent/guardian has inappropriate expectations of the child for age
18 months - 3 years
► Child and parent have little or no playful or verbal interaction
► Child initiates overly friendly or affectionate interactions with strangers
► Child ignores, avoids or is hostile with parent/guardian when distressed or after separation
► Child is excessively distressed by separation from parent
► Child freezes or moves toward parent by approaching sideways, backwards or circuitously
► Child alternates between being hostile and overly affectionate with parent
► Parent/guardian seems to ignore, punish or misunderstand emotional communication of child
► Parent/guardian uses inappropriate behaviour management techniques
3-5 years
► Child ignores adult or becomes worse when given positive feedback
► Child is excessively clingy or attention seeking with adults, or refuses to speak
► Child is hyper vigilant or aggressive without provocation
► Child does not seek adult comfort when hurt, or show empathy when peers are distressed
► Child’s play repeatedly portrays abuse, family violence or explicit sexual behaviour
► Child can rarely be settled from temper tantrums within 5-10 minutes
► Child cannot become engaged in self directed play
► Child is threatening, dominating, humiliating, reassuring or sexually intrusive with adult
► Parent/guardian uses inappropriate behaviour management techniques