Red Flags Bermuda
Growth & Development
Speech & Language
Healthy Child Development
There are several stages of healthy speech & language development that are marked by key abilities.
By 3 months
Cries and grunts; has different cries for different needs
Makes a lot of “cooing” and “gooing” sounds
Responds to parent/caregiver voice (e.g.,, Watches your face as you talk)
By 6 months
Babbles using different sounds
Lets you know by voice sounds to do something again
Makes “gurgling” noises
Understands some words (e.g., daddy, bye bye)
Smiles or laughs
Vocalizes pleasure and displeasure (e.g., squeals with excitement, grunts in anger)
Enjoys music, songs and rhymes
Brightens to sound, especially to people’s voices
Smiles and laughs in response to parent/ caregiver smiles and laughs
Imitates sounds in his/her repertoire (e.g., coughs or other sounds – ah, eh, buh)
By 12 months
Consistently uses three to five single words
Takes turns with sounds (e.g., Buh, animal sounds, car noises)
Waves hi/bye (emerging) and begins to use other gestures (e.g., hands up means pick me up)
Gives a few familiar objects on verbal request
Uses a variety of different voice sounds when playing (e.g., bababa, dadada, nanana)
Combines lots of sounds as though talking (e.g., abada, baduh, abee)
Tries to copy new sounds (e.g., ba, animal sounds, car noises)
Makes sounds to get attention, to make needs known, or to protest
Responds to hearing own name
Understands “no” and simple requests (e.g.,, Give it to mommy. Don’t touch. Where’s the ball?)
Plays social games with you (e.g., peek a boo)
Enjoys being around people
By 18 months
Tries to copy your sounds (sounds of our language)
Uses at least 20-50 words consistently; words do not have to be clear
Understands many more words than he can say
Understands simple directions or questions (e.g.,, Where is your nose? Get the ball.)
Demonstrates some pretend play with toys (e.g., give Teddy a drink)
Enjoys tickle, bounce and nursery rhymes
Makes at least four consonant sounds from p, b, m, n, d, t, w, h
Identifies pictures in a book (e.g., Show me the baby)
Enjoys being read to and looking at books
Points to familiar people and to some body parts when asked
Understands the concepts of in and out, off and on
By 2 years
Tries to copy your words
Uses a variety of words and gestures to communicate and ask for help (e.g., waving, pushing away, pointing)
Uses 100-150 words and combines 2 words (e.g., More juice. Want cookie.)
Follows two step instructions (e.g., go find your teddy bear and show it to Grandma)
Takes turns in a conversation □ Asks for something by pointing and using sounds or words
Begins to offer toys to peers and imitates other children’s actions and words
People can understand his/her words 50 to 60 per cent of the time
Uses many different speech sounds at beginning of words (p,b,m,t,d,n,h,w)
Enjoys being with other children
Learns and uses one or more new words a week; may only be understood by family
By 2½ years
Understands the concepts of size (big/little) and quantity (a lot, little, more)
Uses some correct grammar – “two cookies”; ‘bird flying”
Uses more than 350 words
Uses action words – run, fall
Begins taking turns with other children using both toys and words
Shows concern when another child is hurt or sad
Combines several actions in play –feeds dolls then puts him/her to sleep
Produces words with two or more syllables or beats: ba-na-na, com-pu-ter
By 3 years
Responds to simple questions or directions
Understands location words like in, on and under
Identifies some objects by their functions (e.g., What is a spoon for?)
Is understood by most people outside of the family most of the time
Uses long sentences, using 5-8 words,
Uses pronouns: I, you, me and mine
Understands questions using who, what, why, when and where
Is learning the meaning of several new words every week (in spoken language)
Sings simple songs and familiar rhymes
Talks about past events
Tells simple stories
Shows affection for favourite playmates
Engages in multi step pretend play – cooking a meal, repairing a car
Shows ability to participate in routines
By 4 ½ years
Most of the time uses complete sentences with 4 or more words (e.g., I go home now.)
Uses correct grammar such as plural (e.g., books), past tense (e.g., walked) and pronouns (e.g., I, he, she, me, you)
Follows directions involving three or more steps “First get some paper, then draw a picture, last give it to mom”
Tells stories with clear beginning, middle and end
Talks to try to solve problems with adults and other children
Demonstrates increasingly complex imaginative play
Is understood by adults outside the family almost all the time
Is learning the meaning of and using several “new words” every week (in spoken language)
Recites nursery rhymes and sings familiar songs
Understands “just one”
Enjoys being read to
Can identify 4-6 colours by name
By 5 ½ years
Talks easily with other children and adults and is understood
Understands spatial relationships, on top of, under, behind, in front of, etc.
Explains concepts using words (e.g. ,What is a cup? What is a car?)
Understands many descriptive words (e.g., long/short, soft/hard)
Follows group directions “All the boys get a toy”
Understands directions involving e.g., “if…then” – “If you are wearing runners, then line up for gym”
Describes and can retell past, present, and future events in detail
Seeks to please his or her friends
Shows increasing independence in friendships
Uses almost all the sounds of his or her language with few to no errors
Uses complete sentences with good grammatical structure
Is learning the meaning of and is using several new words every week (in spoken language)
Can recall a brief story that has just been heard
... If a child is missing one or more of these expected age outcomes, consider this a red flag
... if a child is experiencing any of the following, consider this a red flag:
► Stumbling or getting stuck on words or sounds (stuttering)
► Ongoing hoarse voice
► Excessive drooling
► Problems with swallowing or chewing, or eating foods with certain textures (gagging).
► Lack of eye contact and poor social skills for age
► Frustrated when verbally communicating